CDC-Germany 2017 Session Aufzeichnung
DataON – Deploying Windows Server 2016 Storage Spaces Direct (S2D) and DataON MUST
Session Abstrakt
As the adoption of Software Defined-Storage (SDS) and the Hyper-Converged Infrastructure (HCI) market gains momentum, Microsoft with the launch of Windows Server 2016 Storage Spaces Direct, delivers a compelling value proposition to customers deploying on-premise and hybrid cloud solutions. DataON is exclusively focused on those customers who have made the “Microsoft choice” to deploy a Windows Server-based storage solution. We are experts on how to design, deploy and support Windows Server storage and will work with you to performance tune your workloads. In this session, we’ll present how DataON’s S2D-3000 family of Hyper-Converged Cluster Appliances optimize the full stack of Microsoft Storage Spaces Direct and we’ll demonstrate the new DataON MUST visibility and management tool that provides SAN-like storage monitoring for customers deploying Windows Server SDDC. Jan-Tore Pedersen from Infront Finance will also share his real-world experience and best practices from deploying a DataON Storage Spaces Direct solution with DataON MUST.
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