Nach dem Ansehen der Microsoft TechED 2010 North America Keynote von Bob Muglia (wir berichteten in unserem Podcast 5 auf Himmlische-IT) fand ich etliche andere interessante Mitschnitte von TechED Vorträge. Im Folgenden habe ich die aus meiner Sicht wichtigsten Videos zur Microsoft Virtualisierung zusammen-getragen. Anschauen lohnt sich unbedingt und dabei wünsche ich viel Spaß.
vir207: Txomin Barturen
Advanced Storage Infrastructure Best Practices
to Enable Ultimate Hyper-V Scalability
vir304: Benjamin Armstrong
Dynamic memory is a new feature of Hyper-V coming to Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1.
vir305: Karthik Lakshminarayanan
Microsoft RemoteFX: Rich Windows Desktop Experience for VDI and Session Virtualization
vir307: Rand Morimoto
Getting the Most out of Windows Server 2008 R2 Hyper-V with the Integration of the System Center Suite
vir309: Iftekhar Hussain
Microsoft System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2008 R2: Advanced Virtualization Management
vir310: Taylor Brown, Vijay Tewari
Networking and Windows Server 2008 R2 Hyper-V: Deployment Considerations
vir312: Arno Mihm, James Schwartz
Realizing a Dynamic Datacenter Environment with Windows Server 2008 R2 Hyper-V and Partner Solutions
vir313: Barry Flanagan, Robin Brandl
VDI from Microsoft and Citrix: What is it? How do I manage it? What benefits does it provide?
vir314: Allen Stewart
Virtualization Scenarios for Business Critical Applications
vir315: Clint Huffman, Kenon Owens
Windows Server 2008 R2 Hyper-V Performance Analysis: How You Can Get the Most out of Hyper-V
vir316: Bernhard Tritsch
Remote Desktop Session Host vs. Virtual Desktop Infrastructure Smackdown
vir319: Kenon Owens
Dynamic Infrastructure Toolkit for Microsoft System Center Deployment: Architecture and Scenario Walkthrough
vir322: Soumya Das Bhaumik
Hyper-V Backup Deep Dive: A Look Under the Hood
vir324: Michael Greene, Nick Smith
Hyper-V for the VMware Administrator
vir403: Janssen Jones
Virtualization FAQ, Tips, and Tricks
wsv205: Max Herrmann, Michael Kleef
Remote Desktop Services: Virtual and Session-Based Desktops and Applications Architecture with Partners
wsv307: Justin Graham
Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1
wsv315: Steven Ekren, Symon Perriman
Guest vs. Host Clustering: What, When, and Why