Willkommen zu einem Überblick über die Inhalte des “System Center Configuration Manager” Kurses von Trainsignal.
Der System Center Configuration Manager 2007 (SCCM) ist eine umfassende Verwaltungssoftware für physikalische, virtuelle und mobile Umgebungen. Er bietet verschiedenste Werkzeuge zum Einspielen von Softwareupdates, gibt Übersichten zum PC-Bestand, enthält Tool zur Anwendungsverteilung, vereinfacht die Administration durch Remotezugriff und vieles mehr.
Das Training gibt weitreichende Einblicke in die Anwendung, wodurch Sie ein ausgezeichnetes Hilfsmittel bei der Einrichtung und Administration des SCCM zur Hand haben.
Der Trainer:
Der Trainer in diesem Kurs ist Scott Lowe (MCSE, CNA). Er besitzt über 16 Jahre Erfahrung in der Informationstechnologie und beteiligt sich unter Anderem mit einer Vielzahl an Artikel an “TechRepublic”, sowie an “TechTarget” und “TechGenix”.
Zudem ist er auch als Trainer in diversen weiteren Trainsignal Kursen anzutreffen.
Die Software:
In dem Tool zur Wiedergabe sind neben dem üblichen Videoauswahlbereich zusätzlich noch weitere Dokumente zu finden.
Log File List: In diesem Excel Dokument sind alle Log Files inklusive Beschreibung und Speicherort gelistet. Somit hat man immer ein hilfreiches Werkzeug zur Hand, um bei einem Problem die passenden Log Dateien zu finden.
SCCM Security Considerations: Dieses PDF Dokument gibt viele wichtige Tipps zur Vermeidung von Problemen beim Installieren und Einrichten der Software, wodurch eine lästige Problemsuche in manchen Szenarien erspart bleibt.
Troubleshooting Tips: Zuletzt liegt noch ein PDF Dokument bei, dass zur Ergänzung der Log File Liste gedacht ist. Hier wird beispielsweise auf nützliche Tools zum Lesen der Logfiles hingewiesen.
Natürlich ist auch in diesem Training eine zweite DVD mit dem Kursmaterial in anderen Dateiformaten enthalten, damit man auch über andere Wiedergabegeräte vom Kursmaterial profitieren kann.
Das Training ist strukturiert aufgebaut und der Trainer erklärt die Sachverhalte in einem gut verständlichen Englisch. Die Themen werden zusätzlich mit “Präsentationsfolien” und Einblicken in die GUI des SCCM abwechslungsreich gestaltet.
Der Inhalt:
Im Folgenden ist noch einmal der gesamte Kursinhalt aufgelistet.
- Lesson 1 – Course Introduction
- In this Video I will outline the scenario we will be using throughout the course and I will introduce you to how we will be working with System Center Configuration Manager.
- Scenario
- Prerequisite Knowledge and Abilities
- Course Technical Notes
- Lab Hardware Requirements
- Lab Server Configuration
- Course Overview
- Lesson 2 – SCCM Components and Installation
- In this Video we will focus on getting your SCCM Server up and running.
- SCCM Site Server Roles
- SCCM Site Server Requirements
- SCCM Infrastructure Requirements
- Prerequisites
- Configure the AD System Container
- Install
- Mixed Mode vs. Native Mode
- Client Agent Selection and Other Installation Settings
- Update to SCCM 2007 R2
- Lesson 3 – SCCM General Administration and Post-Installation Tasks
- In this Video we will explore the various post installation options you will need to know about in order to get your SCCM Site in working order and ready to use.
- Introduction to the SCCM Console
- Site Settings
- Site Boundaries
- Active Directory Publishing
- Publish the Default Management Point in DNS
- Discovery Methods
- Client Agents
- Discovery and Collections
- Lesson 4 – SCCM Client Deployment and Client Support
- In this Video you will learn about how to implement the several different methods of client installation. Plus, you will learn the troubleshooting steps you can take in your SCCM environment to figure out what might have gone wrong during your client deployment and how to remedy these potential issues.
- Required and Recommended Site Components
- Recommended Pre-Installation Steps
- Client Agents
- Pre-Install BITS
- SCCM Client Installation
- Client Push Method
- SCCM Client Installation Via Startup Script
- Manual SCCM Client Installation
- Other Methods for Deploying SCCM
- Troubleshooting SCCM, Client Discovery, and Client Installation
- SCCM Client Tasks
- Lesson 5 – Basic Reporting
- In this Video you will learn the various reporting techniques available in SCCM and how to best way to utilize the information obtained in these reports.
- Client Agent Information – The Resource Explorer
- Windows Event Viewer
- About the SCCM Manager Reporting Point
- Add an SCCM Reporting Point
- Using the Reporting Point
- Running Reports from a Web Browser
- Lesson 6 – Software Distribution and Collections
- In this Video you will learn about automating software distribution by working hands on to implement a centralized software distribution mechanism across all machines; both servers and desktops.
- Creating and Managing Collections
- Configuring Software Distribution
- The Distribution Process in Action with Office 2007
- Creating and Adding Programs to the Package
- Distributing and Advertising the Package
- Client Side and Troubleshooting
- Software Distribution Status and Reporting
- Lesson 7 – Using SCCM to Manage Software Updates
- In this Video you will learn how to synchronize updates from new and existing WSUS system. Plus, you will learn the three steps to deploying software updates, how to use the Software Updates Client Agent, and much more.
- SCCM and Windows Server Update Services
- The Software Update Point
- Software Updates Client Agent
- Managing Software Updates
- Update Lists and Search Folders
- Create a Search Folder
- Create an Update List
- Add Updates to the Update List
- Deploying Updates Using an Update List
- Deploying Updates Using an Update List
- Concept Recap
- Reusing an Existing Update List
- Lesson 8 – Desired Configuration Management (DCM)
- The leading cause of downtime for an IT organization is unplanned change, which can have a negative impact on your IT infrastructure. In this Video you will learn how to keep changes from being made without a plan by implementing the DCM feature, including the Configuration Manager Configuration Pack and the Server 2003 Configuration Pack. Plus, you will see how to implement the SCCM R2 Infrastructure to monitor Forefront Client Security on your servers.
- Scenario
- The Purpose of Desired Configuration Management (DCM)
- DCM in Previous Versions of SMS/SCCM
- DCM Prerequisites
- Enable the DCM Client Agent
- General DCM Process
- Download and Import Configuration Packs
- Configuration Items and Configuration Baselines
- Assign a Configuration Baseline to a Collection
- Compliance Verification and Reporting
- Security Compliance Management Toolkit
- Compliance Success and Failure
- Creating Your Own Configuration Item
- Create a Non-Compliance Collection for Remediation
- Identify Computers Without .NET Framework v2.0
- Policy Creation Options
- Using DCM to Monitor ForeFront with SCCM 2007 R2
- Lesson 9 – Asset Intelligence
In this Video you will learn how to use Asset Intelligence to allow loose license auditing and enhance the capabilities of the existing hardware inventory function.
- About Asset Intelligence
- Asset Intelligence: Then and Now
- About the Catalog
- Asset Intelligence Prerequisites
- Enable Asset Intelligence
- Asset Intelligence Reporting Classes
- Enabling CAL Tracking
- Site Maintenance Tasks
- Importing Your MVLS License Statement
- CAL Tracking ‘Gotchas’
- General Asset Intelligence Caveats
- Asset Intelligence Synchronization Point
- Sample AI Reports
- Lesson 10 – Deploying New Computer Operating Systems
The operating system deployment process can be complicated. In this Video I will take you step-by-step through this process and show you some best practices and tricks I use to make things run smoothly.
- Computers Used in this Video
- Overall OS Deployment Process
- Prep SCCM and Other Services
- Build the Reference Computer
- Prepare to Capture the Reference Computer Image
- Capture the Reference Computer Image
- Import the Image into SCCM and Add it to a Distribution Point
- Understanding the OS Deployment Process
- Boot Images: Prepare and Add to Distribution Points
- Populate the SCCM Distribution Point with an Installation Package
- Add New Computers to a Collection
- Create, Configure, and Advertise a Task Sequence
- Deploy the Image
- OS Deployment Links
- Lesson 11 – Advanced Reporting
In this Video you will work hands on to get SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) to work with SCCM.
- Using SQL Server Reporting Services with SCCM 2007
- Prerequisites
- Caveats
- Adding a Reporting Services Point
- Copy Existing Reports to Reporting Services
Die Awards sprechen für sich. Es ist wiedermal ein “ausgezeichneter” Kurs aus dem Hause Trainsignal, der auch zur Vorbereitung auf die Microsoft Prüfung 70-401 empfohlen ist.