Videointerview with 10 MVPs in a Ferris wheel

Videointerview_with_10_MVPs-Thumb2In November at the Global MVP Summit 2013 we had a great time. Every year there is a special Event where all MVPs that attend the Summit come together and celebrate. This time we were at the Seattle Aquarium and next to it is a fun park. As always I had my camera with me and Loes (a very close friend of Didier) had the great idea to do interview in the Ferris wheel. So we did it! I asked a bunch of MVP friends if they would like to do some fun and here we are. 

In the case that the video is to fast here is a list of all participants in the order of the appearance:

Tudor Damian – MVP Virtual Machine

Rob McShinsky – MVP Virtual Machine
Alessandro Cardoso – MVP Virtual Machine

Sarah Cooley – Hyper-V Product Manager

Leandro Carvalho – MVP Virtual Machine

Aidan Finn – MVP Virtual Machine

Doug Spindler – MVP Virtual Machine

Francesco Valerio Buccoli – MVP Virtual Machine

Dider Van Hoye – MVP Virtual Machine

Jean Francois Aprea – MVP Virtual Machnine

Kerstin Rachfahl – MVP Office 365

And a special thanks goes to Loes for the support and the great idea!

Carsten Rachfahl

Dipl. Ing. Carsten Rachfahl ist seit mehr als 25 Jahren in der IT-Branche tätig. Er ist einer der geschäftsführenden Gesellschafter der Rachfahl IT-Solutions GmbH & Co. KG und für den technischen Bereich verantwortlich.

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